  发布时间:2009-09-07     阅读人数:970     来源:

再生医学教育部重点实验室学术带头人,李志杰教授,1994年在暨南大学获医学博士学位。2001~2008年美国Baylor医学院博士后。1994年~2007年任暨南大学组织移植与免疫实验中心和医学院眼科教研室助教、副教授、副研究员和研究员。2007年起任再生医学香港中文大学-暨南大学联合实验室教授及学术带头人(PI)。    曾和正在承担国家自然科学基金等各种研究项目共20余项。在国内外发表有关学术论文70余篇。主编《眼库》、《现代眼科治疗学》、《眼免疫性疾病》、《眼前节疾病图谱》等7部,参编《眼表疾病学》、《眼科学基础》(视光学专业全国规划教材)等4部。“中华实验眼科杂志”和“眼科新进展”杂志编委。美国眼科研究视觉科学学会(ARVO)、美国免疫学家学会(AAI)和国际泪膜和眼表学会(TFOS)会员。

电子邮件: zhijielee@yahoo.com
1.Qiong Liu, C. Wayne Smith, Wanyu Zhang, Alan R. Burns, and Zhijie Li. NK cells modulate the inflammatory response to corneal epithelial abrasion and thereby support wound healing. Am J Path, 2012, 179 (in press)
2.Zhijie Li, Alan R. Burns, Lei Han and C. Wayne Smith. IL-17 and VEGF Are Necessary for Efficient Corneal Nerve Regeneration. Am J Path, 2011, 178:1106-1116.
3.Zhijie Li, Alan R. Burns, Sarah Byeseda Miller  and C. Wayne Smith. CCL20, γδ T cells, and IL-22 in corneal epithelial healing. The FASEB Journal, 2011, 25:2659-2668
4.Sarah E. Byeseda, Alan R. Burns, Rolando E. Rumbaut,C. Wayne Smith and Zhijie Li.ICAM-1 is necessary for epithelial recruitment of γδ T cells and efficient corneal wound healing. Am J Pathol. 2009, 175:571-579. (通讯作者)
5.Zhijie Li, Burns AR, and Smith CW. {gamma}{delta} T cells are necessary for platelet and neutrophil accumulation in limbal vessels and efficient epithelial repair after corneal abrasion. Am J Pathol, 2007 171:838-45.
6.Zhijie Li, Burns AR, and Smith CW. Lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1-dependent inhibition of corneal wound healing. Am J Pathol, 2006, 169:1590-1600.
7.Zhijie Li, Burns AR, and Smith CW. Two waves of neutrophil emigration in response to corneal epithelial abrasion: distinct adhesion molecule requirements. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2006, 47:1947-1955.
8.Zhijie Li, Rumbaut RE, Burns AR, and Smith CW. Platelet Response to Corneal Abrasion Is Necessary for Acute Inflammation and Efficient Re-epithelialization. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2006, 47:4794-4802.
9.Zhijie Li, Rivera CA, Burns AR, and Smith CW. Hindlimb unloading depresses corneal epithelial wound healing in mice. J Appl Physiol, 2004, 97:641-647. 
